The ABC club is held at the Essex Outdoors Centre in Harlow.

 The club holds evening sessions which cater for young people, aged between 8 and 16 diagnosed with physical difficulties. (e.g. Autism, Dyspraxia).

 The aims of the sessions are to:

  • Increase the child’s Agility, Balance and Co-ordination Skills
  • Increase the participant’s self-confidence and social awareness skills

 Sessions run on a weekday evening from 6-8pm

 Example programme

1st Week – Archery

2nd Week – Mountain Boarding

3rd Week – Wood Games

4th Week – Abseiling

5th Week – Rafted Canoes

6th Week – Low Ropes/Scramble Nets

7th Week – High Ropes

8th Week – Climbing

9th Week – Christmas Crafts

 Booking in advance is essential.

 To enquire or book please call 01279 620270 or email

 The Harlow Centre is in Burnt Mill Lane, Harlow, CM20 2QS.