Paringdon Sports Club
Paringdon Road
Great Parndon
Harlow, Essex
CM19 4QT
Tel: 01279 418 411
Are you looking for your young son or daughter to be more active in a safe and structured environment while improving their social skills, agility and fitness using a football? Then look no further than Paringdon Youth Football Club.
Clubs are run for all ages throughout the year.
Soccer Tots
Every Thursday 9.30am – 10.15 am
Football training sessions for 2-4-year-olds. Please pre-book as spaces limited. £3 per child.
paringdon youth football club
Paringdon Youth Football Club was formed in 2013 to provide junior football for players from the age of five and upwards. It is run exclusively by volunteers who give up their time to provide an opportunity for youngsters to get into football.
The club has hundreds of players registered at any point in time which makes for some considerable organising and we always welcome new volunteers.
All players participate in a weekly training session and play in structured football matches with the younger age groups playing in or close to Harlow and the older age groups playing matches in Harlow or further afield than the younger teams. Each team is identifiable by their team names which are taken from the “Big Cat” family such as Lions, Tigers or Pumas.
Paringdon Youth Football Club is proud to be affiliated to the Essex County FA and fully endorses the Respect campaign of the English FA
Training Facilities and League Competitions
Training facilities are provided on weeknights under the supervision of the team managers in Harlow at excellent floodlit 3G Astro Turf facilities.
All teams play on a Saturday or Sunday depending on the league they play in and some are entered into additional recognised competitions and tournaments, including our one annual football tournament which is growing year on y
Weekly Soccer School
Every Tuesday 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm and Saturday 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm
This weekly soccer school runs all year round.
Age 5 – 11.
Just turn up. £3 per child.
Half Term Soccer School
Various dates
9.30 am – 2.30 pm
Ages 5-12 only.
£12.50 for the day.
Book now by contacting Tony on 07739976033