Mini Hawks Soccer School at Harlow Town Football Stadium

The Harlow Arena,
Elizabeth Way,
Harlow, Essex
CM19 5BE

 Mini Hawks runs from 5.30 – 6.30pm every Friday evening, and it is open to boys and girls from 5 –to 9 years old.

 We offer all children a constructive start into sport by coaching skills involved with physical activity in a fun, welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.  Come along and take part at the Harlow town FC stadium on its state-of-the-art 3G surface.

 With a range of warm up and reaction games, technique training sessions and fun games to practice techniques, its and ideal introduction to football skills.

 This is an opportunity for your child to experience a real football environment and will give them a basis to progress into our academy.

 Mini Hawks costs just £5 a session, and you can try out for your first session for free.

 For more information or to book your child’s place, contact Alfie Babb on or call on 01279 443196 (option 1)