Top Hat 

Saturday Mornings at Mark Hall Academy, First Avenue, Harlow, CM17 9LR

 Tiny Toppers 4 – 5 years

“Tiny Toppers” are aged between 4-5 years and can join in the weekend stage school sessions.  Classes are 2-hour sessions each week and they will be introduced to a variety of different activities including:  dance (tap as well as Modern); drama, singing, and music & movement.  The classes will help in developing self-confidence, discipline, team-building and new creative skills.  The classes are ideal in channelling all that creative energy your little ones may have.


Top Hatters 6 – 17

TOP HAT students are 6 – 17-year-olds and are divided into stage 2, stage 3, and stage 4.  They attend 3 hours per week, where they study for an hour each of dramatic arts, voice coaching and dance technique.  All lessons are taught by qualified, experienced professionals.

TOP HAT is far more than just a stage school, it is a meeting place where children and teenagers aged 6-17 can meet every week and socialize together whilst discovering new talents, and making new friends with common interests.

Class Times

Tiny Toppers (4-5 years) 10.00 – 12.00

Top Hatters (6-17 years) 10.00 – 13.00

Tel:  01707 850856


Top Hat Website