Harlow Spiritualist Group
Meet: Only on the second, third and fourth Monday of every month. Also on the third Wednesday of each month. Please call ahead to confirm the date.
Contact: 01279 641169
Venue: The G.P.C.A. Abercrombie Way, Harlow, CM18 6UJ
Inner Peace Healing Sanctuary
- Meet: Every Monday afternoon (excluding) Bank Holidays
- Healing: 3 pm – 2.10 pm (no fee, but a free-will offering).
- Service 2.45 pm – 3.50 pm with a different Medium each week (with a raffle and a £3 entry).
- Saturdays: Once a month there is a clairvoyance evening from 8.00pm – 9.30 pm. There is £5 to pay on the door Some other evenings vary in price.
Contact: Jan 01279 861515
Venue: Tye Green CA, Tilegate Road, Harlow CM18 6LU
Harlow Dharma Mind Meditation Group
Meet: Every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Contact: Email: Mike at me@mikehogan.net or visit http://dharmamind.net/localgroups/harlow.htm
Details: Harlow DharmaMind Meditation Group is a regional group of the larger DharmaMind Buddhist Group. The group meets once a week for meditation, followed by Dharma discussion over a cup of tea. Beginners are welcome.
FISU Meditation
Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment, or FISU for short, is an international school that teaches the art of meditation and spiritual unfoldment. FISU has a centre in Old Harlow and 29 more around the UK. One of the most enjoyable aspects of meditation is the deep relaxation experienced by the body and the central nervous system. Meditation soothes away the stresses and strains of everyday life. In an effortless way, it teaches you how to relax and it only takes 20-30 minutes twice daily. Through the deep relaxation experienced during meditation, the physical body enjoys a level of relaxation well beyond the lowest level of rest in sleep. This is deeply enriching to the central nervous system which in turn improves your health. Although relaxation can be achieved by many methods, most of them temporary, our system of meditation working on the three aspects of man – body, mind and spirit, creates harmony between these levels and we, therefore, find self-integration. Naturally, there are endless benefits when all aspects of us are working in harmony with each other. This will promote better health, prevent illness and resolve mental and emotional problems and those of the heart. We also become so much more content and happier! For more information, ring 020 8523 3133 or email courses@fisu.org; website: www.fisu.org