Harlowsave Credit Union provides straightforward, affordable and accessible financial services including loans, savings and money management schemes.
About Us
Based in Harlow town centre, the credit union is a savings and loans co-operative. It is dedicated to encouraging people to save and to providing low-cost loans at times of need. It offers a real alternative to high-interest credit companies such as door-step lenders, money shops, store & credit cards and loan sharks.
Saving and loan options
We have a good track record in helping members get out of financial difficulties and plan expenditure and saving so that the pattern of debt can be avoided. Whether you are looking to save for Christmas, a dream holiday, consolidate existing debts or just in need of a quick loan to help to pay for a new washing machine Harlowsave may be able to offer you saving and loan options not available via other financial institutions.
Money Management
Harlowsave also works together with Harlow Advice Centre to offer a completely confidential money advice and management service. Find out more by viewing the SMARTAdvice page at www.harlowsave.coop/smart-advice.
Whatever your circumstances, once you become a member of Harlowsave we can work with you to achieve your long and short-term financial goals.
To find out more:
phone 01279 451234
email admin@harlowsave.coopvisit www.harlowsave.coop
Contact: www.harlowsave.coop/contact-us
Pop in: Unit 66, Harvey Centre, Harlow CM20 1XS
Member Application forms are available from the office or download at:www.harlowsave.coop/forms/
Latest News from Harlowsave
In support of Harlow Shops Local Harlowsave has launched two initiatives
1. Working with local retailers, we are helping shoppers access goods through a loan they can afford.
We officially launched CU Loans Local on 12 February which was attended by Robert Halfon MP and local retailers. The feedback from retailers has been very positive.
2. The same retailers have agreed to offer Harlowsave members a 10% discount on purchases.
You can find out more about CU Loans Local and the participating retailers by visiting:
Harlowsave is proud to support Harlow Shops Local
Harlow Shops Local aims to promote local independent traders, and help shoppers access a full range of services available from our high streets and elsewhere. Harlow Shops Local also helps local shops or services offer discounts/incentives.
The following times are our opening hours for you to pop into the office:
Monday 12 am – 2 pm
Tuesday 10 am – 2 pm
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10 am – 2 pm
Friday 10 am – 2 pm
Outside of office hours you can email or phone us. Your enquiry will be dealt with within 24 hours, not including weekends.