Details of various women’s clubs and groups in Harlow
Latton Ladies
Meet: Tuesdays weekly
Contact: Barbara 01279 869806 or Carol 01279 410324
A friendly group of ladies who meet every Tuesday and go on visits to interesting places and meet for tea and talking.
Woolly Wonders – Knitting Group
Meet: Every Tuesday 7-9pm
Venue: Harlow Chinese Community Centre, Commonside Road, Harlow
Details: £2 charge that includes refreshments. Both experienced and beginners are welcome. Contact: 07411412817 evenings or via Facebook Woolly Wonders Page
Herts Stitch & Bitch
Meet: every Thursday from 7pm
Venue: The John Gilpin Pub in Ware, London Road, Ware SG12 9LX
Contact: We can be contacted via our meet up
We are a diverse group of people who all love some form of needlework, knitting, cross stitch, crochet etc. All ages and abilities welcome for a drink, a chat and some stitching. We have charity knitting projects every few months, if people want to join in, and we also have outings and nights out – even a weekend away. It’s a relaxed informal group, no obligation to come every week, just when you fancy. We ask a £1 contribution each time you attend to go towards admin and advertising/website costs.
Women’s Institute
Meet: 3rd Wednesday in month 7.30pm – 10.00pm
Venue: Church Langley Community Centre
Contract Details: Diana Armstrong 01279 445341
Ladies Guild
Meet: Wednesday 8.00pm – 10.00pm
Venue: Sherards Hatch, Ployters Road, Harlow
Contact Details: 01279 414081
Ladies Harlow 2002 Group
Meet: 2nd Monday in month 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Venue: New Hall, Moot House, The Stow, Harlow
Contact: Barbara Marsh 01279 418990
E-mail: Margaret Nash 01279 300949 No meeting in August or December