Latton Wine Makers

Meet:  Thursday 7 pm – 10 pm (fortnightly) Details:  We are a small group of enthusiasts who enjoy making and tasting wine.  Anyone interested in home winemaking would be made to feel very welcome. Contact:  John 01279 437746 Venue:  The Lounge, Tye Green CA, Tilegate Road, Harlow CM18 6LU

Dog Training

Meet:  Tuesdays 7.00pm – 10.00pm Contact:  Lyn Hastingwood DTC 07990 797675 Venue:  The Abercrombie Centre, Abercrombie Way, Harlow CM18 6YJ

Harlow Railway Circle

Meet:  Tuesday and Thursdays 7 pm – 9.45 pm Contact:  John Stratford (Chairman) 01279 415541 or Owen Wood Tel:  07800 779745 or email Venue:  Halling Hill Common Room, Harlow,

Stamp Club

Meet:  2nd & 4th Thursday each month 7 pm – 10 pm Contact:  Brian Cooper 01279 430637 Venue:  The Maidmore Room, GPCA, Abercrombie Way, Harlow, CM18 6YJ


Meet:  Wednesdays 10 am – 12.00 noon (term time only) Details:  Learn the art in this lively group. Venue:  St John’s Arts & Recreation Centre, St John’s Walk, Market Street, Old Harlow, CM17 0AJ Tel:  01279 442447

Harlow Photographic Society

Meet:  Thursdays 7.30pm Contact:  Mr Tinn 01279 723948 Venue:  Moot House, Stow, Harlow CM20 3AG Tel: 01279 424 074


Meet:  Alternate Wednesdays 7.30pm – 10 pm
Venue:  St John’s Arts & Recreation Centre,
St John’s Walk, Market Street,
Old Harlow, CM17 0AJ
Tel: 01279 442447


Meet:  1st Saturday 2.30pm – 5.00pm
Venue:  St John’s Arts & Recreation Centre,
St John’s Walk, Market Street,
Old Harlow, CM17 0AJ 
Tel: 01279 442447

Shakespeare Club

Meet:  Mondays 10.30-12.30pm
Venue:  The Women’s Institute, Garden Terrace, Old Harlow
Contact Details:  Alan 01279 651094 or email:
Description:  We are a friendly group that welcomes new members.  We are a group of enthusiasts that for the past fifteen plus years have been coming together to read the plays of Shakespeare.  We start with tea/coffee and biscuits.

We read, comment and discuss Shakespeare play, chosen by popular vote.  We have a projector and screen, which allows us to watch a DVD of the play when we finish reading.

A lively discussion follows the readings.  Guest speakers are a regular feature.

There is improved wheelchair access and disabled toilet facilities.

 Please contact Alan Blunden (details above) if you would like to join us.

Titelines Sea Angling Club

Meet: 1st Monday each month 8.00pm-10.00pm
Venue: Great Parndon Community Association, Abercrombie Way, Harlow.
Contact Details: 01279 414081

Harlow Town Rifle and Pistol Club,

Meet: Most Wednesdays from 7.30pm – 9.30m
Venue: Territorial Army Range, Harlow
Contact: Mr David Clegg 01279 426968