The works to regenerate Prentice Place in Potter Street are progressing and the development is really beginning to take shape.
The disused garage blocks, to the rear of the site, have been demolished and more and improved parking bays, motorcycle parking stands and new storage facilities have been installed.
The construction of a new pitched roof to all the main buildings is well underway, with works due to be completed within the next 12-16 weeks.
A number of new parking bays to the rear of the site will be opened temporarily to the public in the next few weeks to allow the front car park to be closed off and works there to begin.
We’ll shortly be putting signage in place, directing the public to the new parking bays and safe access to the shops.
The area to the rear of the former health centre will be temporarily opened to the public providing the shortest walking distance to the shops. This area will be lit and kept free from obstruction, and CCTV is currently being considered for all areas under this period.
The residential properties are currently being stripped out and we’re starting to install new energy efficient windows and doors, improving thermal bridging to the external walls to improve insulation, installing new kitchens, new bathrooms and preparing the properties for handover.
This will take place over the next three months.
This project is due for completion at the end of July 2019.