If you are interested in earning extra money and having your say about the products and services you buy and use then please read the information below:
Focus Group Discussions
I have been recruiting residents of Harlow and the surrounding areas to take part in Focus Group discussions for the past 25 years, and I am constantly looking for new people to join my mailing list.
Once you join my mailing list you will receive a regular newsletter informing you of the latest projects posted on my website that you or your friends and family can apply for.
What is a Focus Group?
A focus group is a group discussion that is usually made up of 6-8 people and runs for approximately one and a half to two hours.
The discussions are lead by a skilled moderator. Everyone gets their say, and it can be lively and interesting whatever the subject matter. The moderator asks the required questions, drawing out answers and encouraging discussion.
Just remember that everyone that comes along to a discussion is like yourself and you are likely to have many things in common with the other respondents. You may be a little nervous and the moderator running the group is aware of this and will go to great lengths to make everyone feel relaxed and welcome.
Individuals taking part are always rewarded for their participation with a cash incentive for their time which is usually, between £30-£50.
What is a Focus Group used for?
Focus groups are used to gather information and consumer reactions to new advertising campaigns, specific advertisements, new packaging etc.
Companies who manufacture products or service providers need to ensure that they are meeting the needs of their customers both in what they are doing now and in planning for the future.
How do I get involved?
I am always looking for bright, articulate and reliable people to take part in these focus groups. All age groups are required including children, teenagers, students and retired people. Sometimes I am looking for small business owners and managers in medium to large corporate companies.
For each project that I undertake I have a specified criteria to adhere to so I will need to screen interested participants to ensure that they fit the criteria.
If you are interested then please fill in the form below.
What subjects are researched?
Food, drink, car’s, financial, mobiles, supermarkets, leisure activities, local issues, smoking, music, medical etc
Some past research has been
Recruiting respondents to listen to tracks to go onto a new album for a new or existing recording artist.
Recruiting respondents to fly over to Paris or Germany to take part in car research with all weekend expenses paid.
Recruiting respondents to a lunch or dinner party to taste new foods.
Beer, lager, Spirit testing.
Trying out a printer and taking part in online research over a 3 month period and keeping the printer when the research ended.
Desserts and chocolate testing.
And getting paid too!
Where is the research held?
Most of the research is held in a venue in Harlow. Sometimes it is in a local hotel. Occasionally a minibus or taxis are arranged to take respondents to London or a research venue. I always list where the research is being held so that you know when you apply.
I am quite often looking for people who work or live in Central London who could attend focus groups either in their lunch hour or after work.
More and more I am looking for people to take part in online research.
What some people have said about their experience of a focus group…
I was pleased to be invited to a research group where I would be asked to sit and eat and get paid to do it. A small group of women of a certain age were asked for their opinions on a new range of meat main courses. We were served at a beautifully laid table, with not one but two lunches, to be eaten one after the other. We were then asked to discuss the delicious food, whilst the market researcher taped our answers. She then showed us packaging naming and labelling boards for further discussion. After we had said all that we could and given her the benefit of our experience, we left to go home very satisfied indeed. Jan Badman
Just a note to say thank you for the Market Research yesterday evening, it was fun, enjoyable and interesting . Paul