Dance and enjoy 40 minutes aerobics and 20 minutes muscle toning to a variety of music!!!

Burn up to 600 calories in 1 hour.  Jazzercise targets and tones the whole body.  Come along and find out what it’s all about!


Morning Classes

Venue:  The Christian Fellowship Hall (Behind Manor Hatch Shops)Day:  Tuesday and Thursday Mornings
Time:  9.30 – 10.15am

Evening Classes
Venue:  Stewards School
Day & Time: Monday 19.30 – 20.30  Friday  18.30 – 19.35

Venue:  Passmores
Day & Time:  Tuesday 19.00 – 20.00  Thursday 19.30 – 20.30  Saturday 10.00 – 11.00

Contact Details:  Facebook: Jazzercise Harlow / Twitter:  @JazzerciseH
Mobile: Sheryl 07799248395


First week is free then £12 joining fee (one off payment).  Payment options £6 per class or £22 for unlimited jazz classes at all Harlow venues.