RATE your GP practice, optician, or hospital using a new online feedback centre.
RATE your GP practice, optician, or hospital using a new online feedback centre.
Care homes, walk-in centres and mental health services are also included in the TripAdvisor style web page, run by Healthwatch Essex. Log on to see what people think of Princess Alexandra Hospital or a broad range of Harlow pharmacies and dentists.
Patients can leave a review, and health services have the right to reply. The web page was first started nine months ago but has just been launched with a full range of services.
Healthwatch Essex also has an information service helping people find out about health services. Contact 0300 500 1895 on Monday to Friday between 9 am and 5 pm for the cost of a local call.
I contacted Healthwatch as I wanted to challenge a decision made by my GP but felt unable to cope personally. Healthwatch put me in contact with SEAP Advocacy who visited me at home and helped me make a complaint to NHS England.