Line Dancing has been around for years and is constantly evolving. Having started with country music it now crosses many different styles and genres catering for all tastes. Line Dancing is fun, social and has multiple health benefits.
It is typically seen as a set of choreographed moves however these can be open to interpretation and allow for you to put your own twist or flair on it. If you’re having fun you get to show this in whatever way you like. You don’t require a partner to line dance so won’t be limited to how fast you can learn, it’s entirely up to you!
Line Dancing
Meet: Thursdays
Beginners: 12noon – 1 pm
Advanced: 1 pm – 3 pm
Venue: GPCA, (the Abercrombie Barn) Abercrombie Way, Harlow CM18 6YJ
Contact: Pat Haviland 01279 423836
Line Dancing
Meet: Friday 7 pm – 11 pm
Venue: Our Lady of Fatima Church Hall, The Stow, Harlow
Contact: Mark 07738 771902
Line Dancing
Meet: Fridays 10.15am – 11.45am
Contact: Cyndy Brown 01279 868440
Venue: New Hall, Moot House, Stow, Harlow CM20 3AG Tel: 01279 424 074
Line Dancing
Meet: Tuesday 7 pm – 8.15pm
Venue: Holy Cross Church Hall, Tracyes Road, Harlow
Contact: 01279 320524
Details: Instruction (Intermediate) and Practice (Intermediate) Admission: £3