The University of the Third Age
The U3A is an international charitable organization for the active retired. The Harlow branch is well attended and has about 75 interest groups, including gardening, history, walking, cycling and several other fitness, health and well-being activities. Brush up your language skills or join
Trips and outings are organized and open to all members.
There is a monthly general meeting, usually the 4th Monday of the month, at Paringdon Sports Club, Paringdon Road, Great Parndon, Harlow, CM19 4QT from 10.00 to 12.30 am.
Visitors are always welcome at our monthly meetings and pay a £2.00 fee. The meeting starts with coffee, socializing and to sign up for theatre visits, outings and groups with the facilitators for the group that interests you. From 11.00 am members can listen to an invited speaker
The events page on the website provides information on meetings and is updated regularly with information on various local events likely to be of interest to members.
Members are typically retired or semi-retired from paid employment and wish to use their skills and experience, passing it on to others or trying some new hobbies and activities themselves.
Everyone who is on the committee runs one of the groups or helps at monthly meetings is a volunteer. Getting involved is a great way to make new friends, be socially active, to know what is happening within the U3A and engage with the wider community.
To join Harlow U3A please download an Application Form from the link and follow the instructions.
Alternatively contact Membership Secretary Claire Knight, on 01279 416331 or email Claire here.
The membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March. Annual membership from April 2019 is £13.50 per person.
PLEASE NOTE you will not be able to join at one of the meetings but you can pick up an application form.